a funny, weird day.
for starters, after my shower last night, i put on my "fake tan" lotion. yes, i am one of those people. but at least i have kicked the habit of "fake baking" {aka tanning beds}
anyways, so i put on my fake tan last night only to awake this morning to my hands being ridiculously orange. i mean ORANGE. after lathering up i usually make a point to wash the lotion off my hands so that i don't experience days like these.
but last night i forgot to wash if off.
when i saw it this morning i scrubbed and i scrubbed but when all of it wouldn't come off, i knew that all i could do was wait.
needless to say, i sat through school with orange hands. and yes, people asked me about my orange hands. so now when they see me with a nice bronze glow, they will know that it is not real :(
Only once in my life has my body been so orange. it is another tale of "fake tan" gone horribly wrong; except instead of being on my hands, it was my whole body.
it was probably the most awkward moment of my life...but that's a tale for another time.
here is a picture to prove it:
now i know this isn't the best picture of my life but take a look at my neck in contrast with my face.
like i said, it was fake tan gone horribly wrong.
my mom always taught me not to gossip because the person being talked about will always find out.
well i am still working on the gossip thing but today i experienced a prime (hilarious for me, not so much for those involved) example of why you should listen to your mom.
in class there are a group of us ladies that sit next to each other. there is one lady in particular who is annoying to some. we will call her jane. there is one lady in particular who gets really really annoyed by jane. we will call her Edith.
Today, Edith writes a text message to another lady in the group saying, "Jane is driving me CRAZY! she is being so annoying today!"
Unfortunately for Edith, she accidently sent the text message to Jane. lol
being that this was a lesson in gossip, i decided not to ask what the outcome of the situation was.
but i bet it wasn't good.
OH! i almost forgot, there was a tornado warning for Santa Clara County today!!!
WHAT?!?!? californians are earthquake people, not tornado people (although my teacher from Minnesota would beg to differ). it was weird and a little to much out of my comfort zone.