Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack....

i've been slacking BIG TIME on keeping up with this thang.
lately not having enough time has been the story of my life. lol
but all that to say....i finished LVN school which means i got my life back and am ready to tear it up again.

Its officially the Holiday season which brings with it a lot of really awesome things:

A} Christmas. Who doesn't love it? Its Jesus's b-day, its being around family, its all kinds of really fun parties (including ugly sweater parties), a decorated house, pretty dresses, egg nog, and presents :) ...

B} Snow. Yep, i'm planning on shredding the gnar all winter long with my new jacket and good friends. Dodge, Tahoe, here we come.

C} New Years. I really never thought 2011 would ever come. It was the year I was supposed to graduate college, and 4 years ago 2011 seems FOREVER away. but here it is, right around the corner. As far as New Years Resolutions go....ehhhh, i'm no good at keeping them but i'll try again this year. lol

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

7 Things I Want to Be...

Some Things I want to be Someday....
  • Wound Care/ Old folks/ OR Nurse (obbbvuously. Sheesh)
  • Sew-er/Designer: a person that designs clothes and then sews them. And not a seamstress because that name sounds old. I mean after all, age is a sensitive subject...i'm almost 21, Plus, i've always wanted to work retail
  • Country Singer: I would put on an awesome concert. Just ask my Freshman Roomies :)
  • Certified Group Instructor: yea, lets get paid to workout and be peppy. "Exercise gives you endorphin's. Endorphin's make  you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands. They just don't."-Elle Woods
  • Craft Shop Owner: i like crafts. I could do them all day long.
  • Writer: It would be reallllly cool to write a best seller. Like Twilight or something...
  • Cowgirl: I like horses. and cowboy boots. and southern accents. I think that's a sign.
  • Tan: I want to be tan. Spray tan, fake'n'bake. who cares.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Story of A Little Friend...

I have a friend. 
Its a good friend.
Somewhat of a comfort blanket. 
I usually carry it with me in my purse, my car, and in times where a possible scuffle could occur. 
One Christmas, I opened my stocking to find my little friend all gift wrapped and looking pretty.
That was the begining of a beautiful relationship.

Pepper spray.

To tell you the truth, I havn't used it yet; Which is a blessing, although I am itching to use it.
I think my dad regrets ever giving me the pepper spray after I almost accidentally used it on him once.
But I didn't!
One night at like 2 am or something, I wake up to a dim light on downstairs. 
I got up, grabbed my pepper spray (which was so conveniently placed under my pillow), and slowly descended down the stairs.
"Hellllllo?!?" I yell as I continued down the stairs.
No answer.
Then without any warning, out of the room comes my dad who is shocked to see me let alone with my pepper spray in hand.
"Get that thing out of my face!" He yells. 
I guess I don't blame him for being startled. 
But none the less, safety first.

The next Christmas I asked for a tazer.
He said no.

You can imagine how awesome it is that Pop's signed my mom, sister, and I up for a
This should be fun.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

new book

ok so i am definitely reading a new book.
it is life changing
and that BIG for me to say because I rarely read for leisure 
(as Tirzah noted) hehe 
anyway, so i'm reading through this awesome book and in it, i came across a Note called "Just for Today"
and i thought it was so cool that i'm posting it on my mirror (yea, i'm a nerd like that) ...
...and i'm sharing it with you

1. Just for today, I will be happy. This assumes to  be true what Abraham Lincoln said, that "most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be."  Happiness is from within; it is not a matter of externals.
2. Just for today, I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my family, business and luck as they come and fit myself to them.
3. Just for today I will take care of my body. I will excercise it, care for it, nourish it, not abuse nor neglect it, so that it will be a perfect machine for my bidding. 
4. Just for today, I will try to strengthen my mind.  I will study. I will learn something useful.  I will not be a mental loafer. I will read something that requires effort, thought and concentration.  
5. Just for today, I will exercise my soul in three ways: I will do somebody a good turn, and  not get found out. I will do at least two  things I don't want to--just for exercise. 
6. Just for today, I will be agreeable. I will look  as well as I can, dress becomingly as possible, talk low, act courteously, be liberal with praise, critisize not at all, nor find fault with anything and not try to improve or regulate anyone. 
7. Just for today, I will try to live through this day only,  and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do something for twelve hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to  keep it up for a lifetime.     
8. Just for today, I will have a program. I may not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two pests: hurry and indecision.  
9. Just for today, I will have a quiet half hour all by myself, and relax. During this half hour sometimes I will think of God so as to get a little more perspective
 into my life.  
10. Just for today, I will be unafraid. Especially I  will not be afraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, to love and to believe that those I love most, love me.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

renaissance fair

today i got invited to a renaissance fair.
to be honest, after hearing what a renaissance fair has to offer, I have a feeling it's not my cup of tea.

the person trying to sell me on the idea of this renaissance fair wasn't exactly getting the hint that i'm not extremely interested in going. 
The more they told me about it, the more i am convinced its the last place i want be.

they were telling me their experiences at this fair in an Irish accent which definitely made it even harder to take seriously. 
but i guess thats how they talk at the "Ren Fair": in Irish accents. 
and apparently there are "all kinds of gorgeous men that come up to you, put their arms around you and dip you into a passionate kiss."
Haha! what? that has creeper written all over it! 

 If you've ever seen the movie Role Models,  you know how awkward Zanthia is.
Yea, that's how this renaissance fair sounded verrrrry familiar to Zanthia.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Bad Tats

Things to do when you are bored at school:
Google Image "Bad Tattoo's"

my favorite:

Sunday, August 29, 2010


It's a song that T Swift wrote,
It's the age my dad would let me go driving without a license :)
It's as high as I can count in Dutch.

But the most exciting part about fifteen is...
that I only have 15 weeks of LVN school left!

i have a countdown (which i'm holding in the picture) hanging in my room of how many weeks of school i have left. lol

And I'm sure that Tirzah would love the fact that this last stretch of school is focused on Maternity and Babies!
hah! its true sis. You should have seen me give an assessment on a pregnant woman's belly. 
You would have laughed. 

Friday, July 23, 2010


"All work and no play Johnny becomes a boring boy."
Gramps told me that not too long ago.

This evening we had a guest for dinner. Gramps gave this guest a little piece of his mind.

The guest complemented Gramps on how well he has done for himself and his family.
Gramps replied, "I've worked hard. No one in my family has gone in need. I make sure of that."

It was really cool to hear my Gramps say that, because its so true. He makes sure that his family is taken care of. I like that.  

He knows the meaning of having nothing.
He knows the meaning of working hard.
And he knows the reward of hard work.

His story is inspiring.
Sometimes little stories like his are all it takes to get the Mojo back.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear Natalie

Modern Family=Goodness

And I am proud to say that I am responsible for a new Modern Family Follower :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

a Tid Bit from my heart

If you didn't know, there are some things i struggle with. 
Cooking for example. 
Ab exercises is another one. 
Learning every known medication known to man is a STRUGGLE to say the least. {thanks go out to nursing school}

But the one thing that I have been struggling the most with lately is trusting God with my future. Trusting God with my future is giving God all my plans and letting him do his work in me. 
Thats a scary word: Future. {if you just say it in a deep voice it sounds scarier!}  
I think it scares me so much because it's fear of the unknown. 
Its something that I can't control; something that I have only a minor say in. And even then, I can do my best to give myself a good future but thats it.

So yea, lately I have found myself getting all hot and bothered about the future, which is silly because I can CHOOSE to either worry about it and stress myself out or give it up to God who is in control of it all anyway. 

When I say "I worry about the future", there's no 1 particular worry I have in mind. They come in a variety of categories that vary from my dog to freaky illnesses to school to finances to relationships.

I can do everything in my power to be in control of my future and what I want, but   at the end of the day, it's all in Gods hands and I need to trust that. 
So i've been praying...asking that I would be able to cast all my cares on Him. Giving everything up to God is hard, and scary, but why should I fear trusting my Creator with all aspects of my life when I know his plan is what's best for me.

Today I prayed, I need to trust Him with every aspect of my life, and I need His help giving up that part of me. He answered. It was  so good. I was searching and stumbled across a message called "You can't Control the Future" {click on the link if you want to listen to it. Its kinda long, but if you got some time, I would recommend it}.

Anywho...alllll that to say ask and it will be given, seek and you will find...i trust that :)


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Blockbuster and Bill McDonald

Its a tradition...when summer comes along, Elyse starts watching a new tv series. 

Last summer it was Rescue Me...
This summer it's Nurse Jackie
{my dad thinks that this show is teaching me to be a drug dealing nurse. hah. 
that guy sure has a sense of humor}

I'm not a big TV watcher, however I do have a select few shows that I follow. 
But every summer, I pick up a new show and lose an old one.

And so begins the 
Nurse Jackie/blockbuster/Bil McDonald/Directionally Challenged Elyse adventure...

The other day
Mike {yes, he made the cut to debut in elysepisodes} and I drive to blockbuster to rent Season 1 of Nurse Jackie.
We start out in San Carlos and he asks which blockbuster we're going to. 
I say "the one in Redwood City."
he asks why.
"i think its the closest one. but you can look it up if you want."
He says: i think there might be a closer one, but it's no big deal.
Now if you know anything about me, there are 2 things i'm not so good at:
1. cooking   
2. directions
{really though, i can't go anywhere without my GPS. 
i am my mothers daughter}

I should have listened to Mike. 
But being the nice boy that he is, 
he let me continue on my way
as my heart desired.

i get the DVD.
I wait in line. 
I get to the checkout where the blockbuster guy scans my card and asks me my name. 

I wasn't sure where he was going with this and the account is under my dads name, so i say "Bill McDonald." 

Obbbviously I am not Bill so i followed it with an, "Or Elyse McDonald."
The guy says he wants MY name: Elyse, not the account holders name. hah
"My name is Elyse."
He then informs me of a new policy that requires anyone that rents a DVD needs to be on the account and that Elyse McDonald is not on the account (but Bill is). 

He said he can call the account holder to get me on so i can rent my summer show.

Blockbuster Guy calls up Daddy-O and asks if he wants to add me to the account. 
This is what i hear the guy say while talking to my dad on the phone:

he explains the situation.
"Sir I have your daughter Elyse here and would it be alright if we added her the account?"
he laghs nervously.
still paused...
"Sir I can't tell if you're kidding."
he laughs.
"Ok, thanks. Bye."

After all that, I get on the account. I called up my dad and ask what he said to the guy. 
During the long pause my dad was telling him that he didn't have a daughter!!!
thanks dad.
oh, and there's a blockbuster 
in walking distance from my house :)
no need to drive to 
Redwood City anymore

Monday, July 12, 2010

My Peeps

Yes, I am Dutch. 
I got it from my Mamma. 

And no, i never follow soccer. Ever.
Except for yesterday when the Netherlands lost the World Cup to Spain.

It was a bummer. Sorry Peeps
But all that to say, even though we lost, i still have some pretty good genes 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

More Cal Pictures

Ok, so here are some more baby pictures that i got via e-amil

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Auntie Elyse

On Sunday morning, July 4th I got a call from my mamma.

She told me that my very pregnant sister, Tirzah...

was in LABOR!!!!

My brother and I drove from the Bay to Sonora Regional Medical Center where just 10 minutes before we got there, the newest member of the family was born.

Callahan Steven Woodward (Hector for short), was born at 12:51 PM weighing 7 lbs 6 oz. 
{there are 2 baby's in this picture. hehe. Cal is the one on the right}

Due to hospital policy, Tirzah could only have 3 guests in the birth center with her for her entire stay.
Those three guests {and rightfully so} being Steve (baby daddy), my mom, and my dad

Will and I spent a lot of time outside the birth center which was great too. We became very familiar with the art work in the hallway. Good Stuff.  Unfortunately we couldn't go inside and hold the baby, we had to view him from behind a glass window or an open door.

We did however, get to see Tirz when she came out to the waiting room later in the evening. She was doing great.

Cal is pretty much the cutest thing ever! Seriously.
I showed my gramps a picture of the kid. He said it was a good looking baby.   
He said {dad, you might appreciate this} that his kids came out looking like little aliens and he was tried to figure out a way to send them back! hah!! 

Baby Cal with Mimi (aka my mom)

i threw this one in here because i need some pics of GrandDa (aka my dad) and Steve (baby daddy) to make this blog post complete. But for some reason i dont have any pics with them and baby.

and so it begins.....a new life, a new chapter

Monday, June 21, 2010


Let me introduce Bianca...
(lol. i do love this picture of her)

Bianca and I have had many great conversations. In fact, i have had some of my most thought provoking conversations with her. 
  However, there is one in particular that i remember most.
It was about forgiveness. 

I can't remember the cirumstances in which this discussion came about but none-the-less we sat in our kitchen one summer day and talked about what it means to forgive.

Here's what i remember most: 
She said: to really forgive, means you have to GIVE.
and GIVING isn't always an easy thing to do, which is why the act of forgiveness is so hard for us. Because we've been wronged the last thing we want to do is have to give. 
When you forgive, you're granting a pardon. You are excusing someone. 
You're giving.

and God says (Colossians 3:13)
Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Old McDonald Had a Farm...

Old McDonald really had a farm. True Story.
{Old McDonald being my Gramps}

He grew up on a Farm in where I call the deep south.
{although, some argue on whether the farm was in the DEEP South, or just the South
moving on...}

So Old McDonald grew up, moved away from the farm, and eventually ended up in a town in California's Bay Area where there is not much farming...
 ....until now {thanks to me. and even then, it hardly counts as farming. but we'll get to that}

So one day, Old McDonald's granddaughter moved in with him and decided that she wanted to plant a garden.

Little did she know,
 that Old McDonald knew more about gardening than he had led her to believe. 
Little did she know,
 that when he was growing up his 'garden' was one full acre. 
And little did she know,
that this new garden of theirs would be more than just a garden.

One Spring day, little miss granddaughter, who had no knowledge of gardening/plants went to home depot and got a batch of plants that she thought might be fun to have in a garden.
Among those plants were a few tomatoes, some corn {like i said, she had no knowledge of gardening whatsoever} , some cucumbers, and maybe something else.

 She went home, put on her cowboy boots and a t shirt 
and so begins the  legendary garden. 

{this was the process of digging the garden. I got through this with a little help from my pops :)  }

The picture above were the "Before" pictures. 

Old McDonald is pretty old.
 At 92 some might say he's not as limber as he was in his prime.
That being said, the site of our garden is a raised bed on the side of the house, which is SO perfect because we don't have to bend down and break our backs gardening.
And Old McDonald can use his expert gardening skills to his hearts content. 

Continuing our story....

So the weeks went by and some plants died {the corn. big surprise}
and were replaced and some lived {not many}.

After about half of the plants didn't make it, Old MAC instructed his granddaughter that she in fact didn't plant them correctly, explaining their death.

If at first you don't succeed, try try again. Which is exactly what they did. 

Currently, we have 3 Tomatoes, 1 cucumber, 3 HUGE zucchini, about a million turnip greens, and 2 Bell Pepper plants. 

It's no longer a garden. It's a farm. 

{Above was after everything had been planted}

{Below is the "farm" to date...}
{yes, that is a cardboard Coyote in the garden! hah.}
{the zucchini leaf in comparison to my hand}

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Summer Search

the search is on
and my eyes will be peeled for an
locket necklace.

I think its due time that i find one.
i am at the right age where I could use a sentimental piece of jewelry.

For as long as i can remember, my mom has always had a small golden locket 
that she wears around her neck. 
and now, i think i want one like it. 

a few years back, my grandmother passed. 
she left me a silver charm bracelet that is covered in little heart charms. 
Those who gave her the charms engraved their names on the backside of the hearts. 
Among those names are her father, her sisters, boys, etc...
Its pretty cool. 

So yea...the summer search is on! 
for an old gold locket!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Remember Scarlett and Keep Her Holy

  1. Scarlett O.
    Who doesn't love her?
    She is pretty awesome and ever since I finished Gone With the Wind, she's been my role model...well, for the most part anyway.

    I was reading a book in which there was a chapter called, "Remember Scarlett and keep her Holy"
    Of course I had to keep reading. Any book with a chapter like that must be worth reading. 

    So I continued my read to stumble upon a "The Scarlett Checklist"
    You may be wondering what this checklist is?
    Basically, they are the strong points of Scarlett O's character. And they are awesome. 
    Although you might not appreciate it unless you've read Gone With the Wind, those who have will get a kick out of this. Let me share this knowledge with you:

    "The Scarlett Checklist"
    1. Always know clearly what you want.
    2. Never doubt that you can have exactly what you want. 
    3. Never doubt that you are the most tantalizing girl at the barbeque.
    4. Remember that men aren't everything. For the most part, they are just someone to eat barbeque with. {lol. good thing i like barbeque}
    5. Never listen to anyone who tells you that you can skip on your wardrobehair, or makeup
    6. When life gives you green velvet curtains, make a green velvet dress. 
    7. Pretty is as pretty does.
    8. If another woman gets in your way, don't hesitate to connive against her. Just make sure you do it well.
    9. Speak softly and carry a small pistol {HAH! this one is my favorite}
    10. In front of the mirror practice saying in a light hearted fashion: "Fiddle-dee-dee!" It will put you in the appropriate mood of carefree girlish abandon. Warning: Avoid saying Fiddle-dee-dee aloud in public as people might think you're crazy. 

    So with the Scarlett Checklist concluded, i should get back to studying... 
    BIG test this week!
    coming soon: MEXICOOO BLOG {picture included}