Sunday, March 14, 2010

the 1st and greatest...

So i am trying this new thing...

Every week i am going to have a new theme
This 'theme' is a bible verse which i am going to take to heart and try and live by for that particular week. 

To start this new project, the theme i have chosen for this coming week (beginning tomorrow)
is MATTHEW 22:37-38

"You shall love the Lord your God with 
all of your heart 
and with all of your soul 
and with all of your mind. 
This is the first and greatest commandment."

To love something with ALL of your heart, and ALL of your soul and ALL of your mind is big. 

actually its pretty huge.
and pretty hard to do in my opinion. 
to be honest, i don't think i have ever loved anything to that extent.

my question is,
where do you begin when loving God with all of your heart, soul, and mind?
right now that is what i am struggling with the most.
something to chew on...

but its probably the greatest commandment for a reason :)
so with that said, wish me luck this week in my challenge!

clinical's was kinda boring, 
nothing too exciting. 
but it was only week 1 so it 
should get better.
keep you updated

Monday, March 1, 2010

March Madness...

School: 2 months down, 9 to go!
Today we are mixing things up a bit. Clinical's start this afternoon which means that I will be getting to practice my nursing skills in the hospital setting! yay!
Clinical's are always fun because crazy things tend to happen so life gets a little more interesting. 
I'll be sure to keep you updated. 

So today I locked my keys in my car. No bueno.
Normally I keep a hide-a-key hidden away on a secret place on my truck. However, I recently locked my self out of my car (ya, its a usual thing for me) and never put the hide-a-key back where it belongs. Needless to say, when I went to grab it this morning it wasn't there.

I contemplated breaking into my car with a hanger. In fact, I youtubed how to break into your car with a hanger.  But I figured that it might not be the best idea. I called AAA and of course, the guy who shows up was like the creepiest person ever. Thankfully it took him about 2 seconds to open my door. 

Now i have my keys and off to clinical's I go!