Wednesday, July 14, 2010

a Tid Bit from my heart

If you didn't know, there are some things i struggle with. 
Cooking for example. 
Ab exercises is another one. 
Learning every known medication known to man is a STRUGGLE to say the least. {thanks go out to nursing school}

But the one thing that I have been struggling the most with lately is trusting God with my future. Trusting God with my future is giving God all my plans and letting him do his work in me. 
Thats a scary word: Future. {if you just say it in a deep voice it sounds scarier!}  
I think it scares me so much because it's fear of the unknown. 
Its something that I can't control; something that I have only a minor say in. And even then, I can do my best to give myself a good future but thats it.

So yea, lately I have found myself getting all hot and bothered about the future, which is silly because I can CHOOSE to either worry about it and stress myself out or give it up to God who is in control of it all anyway. 

When I say "I worry about the future", there's no 1 particular worry I have in mind. They come in a variety of categories that vary from my dog to freaky illnesses to school to finances to relationships.

I can do everything in my power to be in control of my future and what I want, but   at the end of the day, it's all in Gods hands and I need to trust that. 
So i've been praying...asking that I would be able to cast all my cares on Him. Giving everything up to God is hard, and scary, but why should I fear trusting my Creator with all aspects of my life when I know his plan is what's best for me.

Today I prayed, I need to trust Him with every aspect of my life, and I need His help giving up that part of me. He answered. It was  so good. I was searching and stumbled across a message called "You can't Control the Future" {click on the link if you want to listen to it. Its kinda long, but if you got some time, I would recommend it}.

Anywho...alllll that to say ask and it will be given, seek and you will find...i trust that :)


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