Monday, November 16, 2009


This week i have decided to try to eat as a vegetarian.

Saying that this trial is going to be a struggle for me is an understatement because i absolutely LOVE hamburgers! i would gladly take a burger over an expensive five course meal any day. 
i also LOVE steaks (but due to my 'poor college student' budget, it is not in my diet these days). I eat a lot of chicken burritos and chinese food (orange chicken is my entree of choice), all of which have meat. 

Clearly i was not raised as a vegetarian, in fact, my family consists of very hard core meat eaters (i know, "hard core meat eaters" is a weird phrase). Not to mention that my mom was raised on a dairy farm where they had an abundance of beef. 

I have some friends [Pilar] who are vegetarians and they claim that when they stopped eating meat their bodies "just felt better." I wonder if this is true-not that i don't believe them because i think they are lying, but because i have a feeling that it might be harder to convince me of a vegetarian diet than it would be to convince them (based on how we were raised).

Last night i told Mike (the boy. he likes to point out the grammatical errors in my blog) of my plans to eat only vegetarian for a week -starting today Monday, November 16, 2009. You might wonder why I am not eating meat for ONLY a week. why not a month? well, like i said, i LOVE meat and Thanksgiving is in a few weeks and i can't pass up a deep fried turkey. sorry.

Also, when it comes to food, i am a baby step type of gal. I know that if it is only for a week, i will be able to stick to it. :)

so, untill Sunday i am a vegetarian. and let me be clear: a real vegetarian eats NO MEAT of any kind. That includes chicken, fish, and fast food. 
Freshman year i was eating dinner with some friend in the school cafeteria. One of our friends, Grace, was all about being a vegetarian ...i mean ALLLL about it. But when we would get to the caf she would pound down a burger. when we asked her about it she said that she was "only a half vegetarian." Haha.

To start my week of eating nothing with face i will have some hot oatmeal...

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